Study Visits
8,841 study visits took place in the new adult outpatient CTRC located within the Anschutz Health Sciences Building (AHSB)The CCTSI built and manages the Colorado PROFILES website, a search engine for biomedical research expertise and networking at University of Colorado campuses. It provides tools to help investigators and students find experts, potential collaborators or mentors. Go to the full Profiles website for additional information.
The Pediatric Research Poster Sessions were in person for the first time in two years. They took place in the Children's Hospital Colorado Conference Center.
70 posters from 25 departments and centers
143 attendees
48 posters from 19 departments and centers
113 attendees
Participants reported the poster session enhanced their knowledge of pediatric research and provided them with networking opportunities. All groups had average ratings of 4 or greater (on a 5-point scale); judges rated items higher than either attendees or presenters (Exhibit 2).
In April of 2022, the CCTSI Administrative Core and the adult Clinical Translational Research Center moved to their new home in the Anschutz Health Sciences Building (AHSB).
Study Visits
8,841 study visits took place in the new adult outpatient CTRC located within the Anschutz Health Sciences Building (AHSB)Exercise Research
3,913 exercise research visits took place in the AHSBPrincipal Investigators
204 Principal Investigators (PIs) led research in the Adult CTRCUCH Protocols
273 active protocols took place in the Adult CTRCCHCO Studies
77 PIs led studies in the Pediatric CTRC at Children's Hospital ColoradoCHCO Protocols
183 active protocols took place in the Pediatric CTRCEach year, the CCTSI awards nearly $3 million in pilot grants and training awards. Since our launch in 2008, 479 projects have been funded, spanning the spectrum of basic science to clinical trials and community-based research. In 2022, CCTSI awarded grants to 43 different pilot projects. Investigators from Colorado State University, CU Boulder, CU Anschutz, CU Denver, Children's Hospital Colorado, Denver Health and UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital were all awardees
For every $1 invested in the CCTSI Pilot Grants, there is a return on investment of nearly $15 in follow-up funding.
Tenth Annual CCTSI CU-CSU Summit was held in person at the new Donald M. Elliman Conference Center. The theme was Research in Health Equity and Social Determinants. The conference fostered collaboration and partnership among researchers from across
all CCTSI partnering institutions.
See presentations from all presenters. An in-person poster session was also a part of the conference.
Afterwards, the Evaluation Core of the CCTSI administered a survey of all participants. The results demonstrated that satisfaction with networking and collaboration in all three areas has returned to pre-pandemic levels, as depicted in Figure 2 below.
The CCTSI's Twitter channel effectively increased the visibility of our institute, with numerous partners referencing us in their tweets. In 2022, the CCTSI was mentioned 613 times.
Our LinkedIn posts saw a rise in impressions throughout 2022. Posts on the grand opening of our new home generated more than 4,400 impressions in April alone.
The CCTSI developed and launched Communicating Your Science to the Public--a short course to train researchers of all levels to share crucial information about their work while building trust in science. During 2022, 90 research professionals took the short course, including early-career scientists, senior faculty and professional research assistants. The course involves professional journalists and communications staff from across the university and hospital systems to serve as small-group facilitators. Evaluation results have been positive; the course fills up as soon as new dates are announced.
Throughout the year, the CCTSI features original stories about the important research happening across the institution. During the year, CCTSI stories appear in Found in Translation, the CU Anschutz Today and CU Connections newsletters. In 2022, these 19 stories helped drive people to the CCTSI newsroom, which received more than 7,700 pageviews.
CCTSI continues to play a leadership role in 3 important national research projects related to COVID-19
Through CO-CEAL, Donald Nease, MD, researchers and community partners have been working across Colorado to provide accurate, science-based information on COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. Using a process called "Boot Camp Translation," communities translate complex medical guidelines into locally relevant health messages. They also choose topics and methods to convey these messages, resulting in visually exciting and engaging products like a kids' coloring book, "Superhero's Guidebook", in both English and Spanish.
Kristine Erlandson, MD, leads the Colorado arm of the national RECOVER study, which aims to enroll about 360 participants at 2 Colorado sites (CU Anschutz and Denver Health). Researchers will follow participants for up to 4 years. The goal is to rapidly improve our understanding of and ability to predict, treat and prevent PASC (post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2), including Long COVID
In 2022, the leaders of mAb Colorado, Adit Ginde, MD and Bethany Kwan, PhD, MSPH, published 4 studies using real world evidence and 3 studies featuring dissemination and implementation science.
In 2022 6,156 active users worked on 8,223 active projects in REDCap which is managed by the CCTSI.