T32 Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program: Spectrum of Translational Research

Provides support for post-doctoral trainees to develop skills for conducting team oriented clinical and translational science and research spanning the pre-clinical to population health spectrum. Candidates will be co-mentored by faculty with diverse clinical and translational interests and expertise. For additional information, check your eligibility.

The Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute and its Education, Training and  Career Development Programs are committed to diversity, inclusion, equity and accessibility. Diversity and equity drive excellence in clinical and translational research and how that evidence is applied. We lead and support programs and initiatives that address inequities and injustices in under-served populations, as well as inequities within our translational workforce. We are dedicated to working with trainees, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds to continuously foster a culture of inclusivity.

Funding Support 

Two year fellowship stipend at the NRSA/NIH level that can be supplemented by the mentor with non-federal funds.

Post-Doctoral Awards (per year)

  • Stipend: $61,992 (average; dependent on post graduate year).
  • Tuition & Fees: $5,000 (Tuition level may change depending on graduate degree status)
  • Travel: $1,500 to attend the national CTSA T32 meeting
  • Training and Research Related Fees: $11,950

Please refer to the How to Cite our CCTSI Grant for all publications, patents or other tangible outcomes from T32 projects.​​

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