Dissemination and Implementation Research

The CCTSI Dissemination & Implementation (D&I) Research Core supports innovation, education, and application of D&I science and evidence for the CCTSI community and the broader CTSA consortium. We offer support in three areas: D&I Science Resources; Educational Opportunities; Mentorship, Consultation and Collaboration.

We partner with the D&I Science Program led by Dr. Russell Glasgow in the Adult & Child Center for Outcomes Research & Delivery Science (ACCORDS) at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

The CCTSI and ACCORDS gather, develop, and curate literature, online interactive tools, eBooks, and materials to guide learning and application of D&I methods, measures and frameworks to clinical and translational research.





Dissemination Planning Workbook

A self-guided workbook that integrates principles of diffusion theory and social marketing theory to guide investigators in development of a dissemination plan.

Fillable PDF Dissemination Planning Workbook



Printable Dissemination Planning Workbook



Dissemination How To Guides:

Check out and download these helpful resources.


An image of the Create a Visual Abstract How-To Guide

View and Download

An image of the Create a Free Online Profile How-To Guide

View and Download

An image of the Digital Archiving  How-To Guide

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An image of the Participate in Online Scholarly Communities How-To Guide

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The CCTSI and ACCORDS offer education in D&I science through seminar series, workshops, and conferences as well as a D&I graduate certificate program in partnership with the Clinical Science program. Graduate D&I Science core courses include CLSC 7653 Introduction to D&I Research in Health, CLSC 6560 Designs and Mixed Methods in Implementation Research and  CLSC 6750 Designing for DIssemination and Sustainability.

Clinical Science Graduate Program Website






Upcoming Educational Events

COPRH CON 2025 future of pragmatic research and team science to enhance innovation and impact. June 4th through 5th 2025.



CCTSI D&I Research Core Introduction

Disseminate Your Work to New Audiences by Developing an Online Presence


CCTSI Speaker Series

CCTSI Presents: Translating Research and Practice: How to Move Beyond Academic Publications to Build Trust in Science with Dr. Brian Southwell


CCTSI Presents: The Engaged Scholar - Expanding the Impact of Academic Research in Today’s World with Dr. Andy Hoffman  


Options to share study findings


Share your impactful work beyond posters, presentations and papers

We will be your dissemination partner:


We can help you:

  • Identify formal and informal communication networks to spread your message.
  • Refine your message and materials for social media, videos and podcasts .           
  • Identify communication experts, graphic and video designers, media outlets.
  • Support and evaluate the impact of your dissemination efforts.

And, we can help you plan for future projects:

We will provide guidance on:

  • Grant writing for the dissemination section of the proposal.
  • Budgeting and building your dissemination team.
  • Dissemination plan execution.
  • Creation and dissemination of products.

Request a Free Consultation


CCTSI Dissemination Service

Need more than the free consultation to reach your dissemination goals? Then engage our team to help you make your dissemination vision a reality.

The needs of any project will be determined during an initial project consultation (just click on the 'Request A Free Consultation' button above to schedule) and development of a scope of work agreement with the CCTSI Dissemination Service team.

Please see the list of services and applicable fees below.

We look forward to working with you.

Services and Fees:

Dissemination Planning, Grant Writing, & BudgetingMinimum 5 hours at $75 Per HourThe CCTSI Dissemination team will work with the research team to create a dissemination plan and complete each section to the D2V dissemination workbook (1-3 hours); complete a first draft of a grant dissemination and budget section for final editing by the research team (2 hours).
Dissemination & Design Project ManagementMinimum 5 hours at $75 per hour.The CCTSI Dissemination team will work with the research team to launch and manage their dissemination and design plan and facilitate administrative tasks for contracting with the external consultants or companies. This may include media companies, web developers, radio producers, or graphic & video designers.
Health Communication MessagingMinimum 5 hours at $75 per hour.The CCTSI Dissemination team will work with the research team to identify target audiences and create targeted messages to distribute via appropriate channels. For example, an elevator speech, advertisement text, summary documents, and calls for action.
Graphic (Infographic) or Video Production DesignMinimum 8 hours at $75 per hour.The CCTSI Dissemination team will work with the research team to create visual abstracts or infographics; coordinate professional graphic design and video creation with production houses to translate messaging to visual designers.
Social Media PlatformMinimum 5 hours at $75 per hour.The CCTSI Dissemination team will work with the research team to identify and audience and pertinent social media channels. The Dissemination team will guide the research team to create unique profiles on up to 5 platforms and develop a dissemination strategy for the research team to follow to increase a project's social media influence.
Website Design, Coding, CritiqueMinimum 8 hours at $75 per hour.The CCTSI Dissemination team will work with the research team to analyze your current website and identify areas for improvement and optimization. Coordination with website design tech firms is available to translate your messaging and dissemination goals to coding experts.
Digital ArchivingMinimum 5 hours at $75 per hour.The CCTSI Dissemination team will work with the research team to select research products (grants, reports, educational materials, articles, photos, posters, datasets) to deposit within a University Digital Archive (CU, CSU, etc.) organize the naming conventions and keywords, and coordinate delivery with the archiving system.
Senior Dissemination Consultant Market rate for investigator FTE.Senior member of CCTSI D&I Research Core will serve as a dissemination-focused co-investigator on an internal or externally funded grant.

**Important Financial Disclaimers**

Costs associated with third party media and design firms and individuals are additional to the hourly rate charged by the CCTSI Dissemination team and will be invoiced and paid for separately.

Prices are subject to change July 1st of every year.

Payment for services will through iLab to a university speed type.



Dissemination How To Guides:

Check out and download these helpful resources.


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View and Download

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View and Download

The CTSA Compendium of D&I Catalogs, a listing of external D&I resources, provides a curated list of resource catalogs relevant to the conduct of Dissemination & Implementation (D&I) science.The resource catalogs gathered here include frameworks/theories/models, methods/measures, funding resources, practice resources, and training resources. Included resource catalogs are curated/sponsored by academic and non-profit organizations with expertise in D&I; contain multiple resources that are systematically organized; and are (in almost all cases) both open-access and actively maintained/updated.

How to use this compendium of catalogs: Use the Sort and Filter functions below to view resources in categories of interest, or to view “featured resources.” Use the D&I Resource Catalog Suggestion Form to suggest a new catalog for inclusion.

This Compendium of Catalogs was developed by the Clinical & Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program’s “Advancing Dissemination and Implementation Sciences in CTSAs” working group. This group focuses on meeting both the conceptual as well as practical challenges to advancing the utilization of D&I across the translational science spectrum. In particular, this group focuses on the “how” of D&I integration within CTSA hubs nationally, and on creating and disseminating practical tools, resources, and insights that CTSAs can use to fully realize the potential of D&I to enhance CTSAs’ mission.

The CCTSI Dissemination Inspiration Library is a visual library showcasing examples of dissemination products used in health research. Within this digital library, you'll find a diverse array of flyers, videos, legislative briefs, websites, visual abstracts, newsletters, infographics, and more.

How to use this tool

Use the filter function below to find examples to fit your needs, by exploring different audiences and communication formats. The library also provides details on funding type and partnerships used to create or disseminate each product. The library is organized based on the Translational Sciences Benefits Model and the Catalogue of Communication Tools and Dissemination Guidelines.


Filter Examples Using the Links Below



CCTSI D&I Portfolio

VideoPatients & PublicVisual Abstracts
PodcastsIndustry/ Product MakersHow-To Guides
Video AnimationHealthcare ProfessionalsInteractive Tools
 Interactive Tools TSBM Impact Profiles
  See All


Request a Free Consultation


The Complete Dissemination Inspiration Library


Meet The Team

Dr. Bethany Kwan

Bethany Kwan, PhD, MSPH


Dissemination Scientist

Heather Gilmartin

Heather Gilmartin, PhD

Associate Director, Dissemination Service

Dissemination Scientist


Demetria McNeal, PhD, MBA, CPTD

Associate Director, Scale-up & Sustainability

Dissemination Scientist

Lindsay Lennox, BA

Lindsay Lennox

Program Manager-Pragmatic Research


Justin Shrader

Program Coordinator-Dissemination Service

Health Communication Specialist


Professional photo of Sarah Kautz

Sarah Kautz, PhD, LCSW

Research Services Principal Professional

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