Pre K Grant Review Program

Assists postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty and their mentors in the writing of successful career development awards by providing a local pre-review of K applications (and their equivalents). Equivalent CDAs should meet the following criteria and include the RFA with the LOI/Application:

Protected time - budget should cover most, if not all, of the PI salary (at least 50% of effort).

Research support - budget should provide resources to perform the research.

Mentored proposal, with both a research plan and a training plan.

As a part of this program, mock grant reviews will be conducted on a rolling basis, corresponding with NIH deadlines, and will enable post-docs, fellows, new faculty, and others to take advantage of internal expertise in writing mentor letters, career development plans, and specific aims. This program is intended for grants that are being submitted in the current NIH cycle!

Please note: Grants that have already been reviewed by study section will be accepted to the PreK program only if the proposal has been revised in response to the critiques, and the summary statements and Introduction page are included with the submission.

We require proposals to be near ready for submission and have been pre-reviewed by applicants' mentor (or mentoring team). Applicants are required to attend the block in which their grant is reviewed. Mentors are strongly encouraged to participate as well.

Please note - space is limited. Once maximum capacity is reached, registration will be closed. 

Contact Us

Paul MacLean, PhD
Program Director

Kristine Erlandson, MD
Associate Program Director

Bethany Kwan, PhD
Associate Program Director

Matthew Hickey, PhD
Associate Program Director

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