Pre-R Transition Program

The Pre-R program is a pre-submission mock grant review process for faculty who are submitting their first R-level application to the NIH or other granting agencies. This CCTSI program provides the opportunity for anyone to submit their R-type grant proposals for internal review prior to submission to the funding agency. Participants of this program will receive insight into the grant review process and help to improve the science and format of their applications thereby increasing their chances for success. The process requires internal submission of planned R application, or equivalent approximately one-month in advance of NIH deadlines. Core reviewers will then discuss the applications and provide verbal, as well as written feedback for incorporation into the final proposal. Specialty content reviewers will also participate in study sections on an "ad hoc" basis. All applicants receiving reviews are required to attend the mock study section in person.

Please note - space is limited. Once maximum capacity is reached, registration will be closed. 


Contact Us

Maggie Wierman, MD
Pre-R Program Director

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