To accurately assess the number of applications/cycle a Letter of Intent (LOI) is required. Please have the following information available: Name, position, department, title of application, type of application (R01,
R21 etc), NIH Institute (or name of other funding agency), Abstract (please include a link to the specific grant announcement at the top of the page), Specific Aims page, and suggested reviewers. You will receive broad comments on your abstract and aims from the core reviewers for inclusion in your application. At the time of the mock study section content experts will also review your grant.
Please choose from the following Primary type of research definitions and include with your LOI and application (reference: Harvard Catalyst):
- T1 - With T1 translational research, findings from basic research are tested for clinical effect and/or applicability. T1 research yields knowledge about human physiology and the potential for intervention.
- T2 - With T2 translational research, investigators test new interventions under controlled environments to form the basis for clinical application and evidence-based guidelines. T2 research yields knowledge about the efficacy of the
interventions in optimal settings.
- T3 - With T3 translational research, investigators explore ways of applying recommendations or guidelines in general practice. T3 research yields knowledge about how interventions work in real-world settings.
- T4 - With T4 translational research, investigators study factors and interventions that influence the health of populations. T4 research ultimately results in improved global health.
Instructions for full application: Please create one PDF document for uploading into the internal, online application. Please include all components required by the funding agency including,
but not limited to, the following: face page, summary statement (for resubmitted proposals), biosketches (please note NIH notice regarding changes to the biosketch format),
scientific proposal (e.g. 12 pgs/R01, 6 pgs/R21),
budget justification including % of effort, letters of support, etc.