CCTSI K12 Program

A mentored career development award for junior faculty engaged in clinical and translational research

Provides up to three years of funding for clinical translational research and career development to train awardees to obtain individual funding. Awardees are expected to commit to participation in mentoring/career development activities that will include the CO-Mentor program (with one of their mentors), teaming and managerial training, mock grant reviews, and to attend the national CTSA consortium meeting.

K12 awards are issued approximately every two years. An RFA will be issued when applications can be received. Some positions are child health-focused.

Funding Support

  • Scholars must commit 75% dedicated effort to their project. The K12 award provides a maximum of $96,000 in salary support for 75% effort up to three years (50% or greater for department of surgery). Employee benefits are in addition to this maximum and paid at the employee's rate specific to the benefits they choose. For scholars whose annual salary is greater than $128,000, the scholar's department is required to cover the difference between the maximum K12 annual support and the actual amount of 75% of the annual salary.                                                                                                                                       
  • The applicant's department will be required to provide $25,000 per year in matching funds for accepted scholars.

  • $26,317 is provided yearly for research supplies & other project expenses.

  • $2,015 yearly is provided for travel support to attend the national Clinical and Translational Research & Education meeting (spring of each year).

Please refer to the How to Cite our CCTSI Grant for all publications, patents or other tangible outcomes from K12 projects.​​ 

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