Pre-F (NRSA Fellowships) Grant Review Program

This program helps students and postdocs prepare and submit successful applications to the NIH for their individual NRSA (F30, F31, F32) fellowships. We provide an informational workshop, some one-on-one advising to applicants who are preparing fellowship applications, and a pre-submission mock grant review. Participants for this program will receive insight into the grant review process, hear discussions of the applications by local reviewers, and receive written reviews. Participants will get this feedback in time to incorporate suggestions and make revisions before their submission of the final proposal to NIH. All participants receiving reviews are required to attend the mock study section.

Am I eligible?

Any PhD student, MD/PhD student, or Postdoctoral Fellow on CU Anschutz Campus planning to submit a Pre-F level NRSA Fellowship.

Please note - space is limited. Once maximum capacity is reached, registration will be closed. 

Contact Us

Arianne Theiss, PhD
Program Director

Joshua Johnson, PhD
Co-Program Director


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